Category: Advice

A commonly underrated element to make a big difference to your wedding

Many couples don’t give it much thought, but they absolutely should. If you don’t take care of it, you will realize how important it was only at the reception, or even later, watching the photos. I am talking about… wedding lights – …

How to keep your mental sanity while organizing your wedding?

In their reviews my couples often say the whole organization process was so effortless, they felt they should be doing more. I am always glad when it happens because it means my mission was fulfilled. I see couples who organize their weddings …

Why having a wedding designer will rock your destination wedding in Italy

A wedding designer? What do they do? Is it like a wedding planner, or?… I see why you can get confused. Many of the couples who come to me can’t tell the difference and find themselves quite overwhelmed with all the wedding …

Don’t hire a videographer for your destination wedding in Italy!

If you, as many couples that come to me, think that you don’t need a video of your wedding day and photos are just fine, this post is meant to reassure you. Yes, you can have wedding photos only if you hire …

How to Plan Your Luxury Wedding in Italy for Free!

Yes! You are reading it right! Having a luxury wedding in Italy for free (or almost) is possible. How? Let’s discover it together!  Luxury Wedding for Free – Expectations: You are the queen of everyday organization and multitasking, Marie Kondo actually learned …

5 Classic Italian Desserts for your Wedding

Do you know how outrageously delicious Italian desserts are? Imagine how dainty could be an Italian wedding cake buffet table! You are not restricted to serving only cake, just because it’s a wedding. I actually recommend enhancing your Italian experience with a …

Unique wedding gifts to surprise your guests

When it comes to your destination wedding gifts, you want to make your guests feel spoiled and taken care of but also not add more weight or worries about their luggage on the way back home. To surprise your family and friends …

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